Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Meal Prep
Meal prepping is an important time spent for me that is taken as seriously as my training. I find it very important to hit the necessary components of a great nutrition plan so that I can stay on the top of my game. I have highlighted 3 easy steps below to help make your experience easier below:…

Member of the month: Julia
I want to welcome you to our highly anticipated August blog featuring our member of the month, an exercise tip and some nutrition take away’s! Read on below… Member of the Month: Julia Schneider Below is an interview I had with Julia: 1) How long have you been working out at Digman Fitness? I…

2016 Summer Fitness Challenge Results!
Congratulations to all who competed in our Annual Fitness Challenge! Summer Fitness Challenge Below are the results of those who competed: 1st Place Overall & Member (Women’s) Winner- Ashley Phipps Time- 7:57 (level 2) 2nd Place Overall & Member (Men’s) Winner- Kaden Ratze Time- 8:33 (Level 2) 3rd Place Overall & Member (Men’s) Winner- Mark…

Favorite Books I Read
I wanted to take this time to mention and outline a few of my “Top 5” favorite books that I have read within the past 3-4 years below: 1. Uncommon: Tony Dungy’s story of success in coaching and how he relates it to everyday living 2.The Power of Broke: Damon John’s rules of success and what…

Summer Nutrients & Cramping
Nutrition is the #1 component along with sleep and stress reduction when it comes to optimal health/well-being! What we do at Digman Fitness is very regimented and thorough as far as routine goes, but what you are doing outside the gym is far more important! Sleep—–Eat—–Train—–Hydration (article below)—–Recover/Stress Reduction—–REPEAT Have a goal of being healthy…
2016 Summer Fitness Challenge!
Welcome to our 2016 Summer Fitness Challenge! This fitness challenge is something that all ages and levels can compete in for best time! This fitness challenge is great for those looking for a fun way to get in a quick exercise routine before/after work or as a substitute to a normal routine! Read on below…

2nd Annual ‘Exercise is Play’ Event!
Welcome to our 2nd Annual Exericse is Play 2016! I encourage individuals and families of all ages to come out and play on Saturday, August 13th from 9 am- 11 am at Digman Fitness! ExerciseIsPlay2016 (Click for FLIER) ********************** This exciting event will be sponsored and proceeds will go towards Madison4Kids! Exercises and events will be…

2016 Spring Fitness Challenge Results
I wanted a chance to congratulate all individuals who participated in our annual Spring Fitness Challenge! Below are the results of each that participated: Members Tom- 9:11 (Level 1) Mark- 5:12 (Level 1)–Men Winner! Tori- 5:42 (Level 2)–Ladies Winner! Kaden- 5:43 (Level 2) Ashley- 8:46 (Level 2) Brian Kuester- 7:58 (Level 2) Lisa- 8:53…

Member of Month: Sam
Digman Fitness wants to recognize Sam Katz as our newest member of the month! Sam and Digman Fitness have been working together for several years now and it has been a fun experience for both of us! Sam comes from a computer background and has a fast knowledge in the area of website and SEO. Sam…

2016 Spring Fitness Challenge
Welcome to our annual Spring Fitness Challenge! Be ready to challenge your heart, lungs and muscles through a series of great total body movements! What better way to open up early spring with a fun fitness challenge with your friends and coworkers for PRIZES! read below for rules and details: Our 2016 Spring Fitness…