Category Archives: Uncategorized

Holiday Regeneration Fitness Challenge!

Welcome to our Regeneration Fitness Challenge! We hope that throughout the course of the next several weeks you can enhance your fitness level or even develop a new habit! Here is how the program works: Step 1- Set aside 5 minutes three times per week to complete my Regeneration Workout (mobility, corrective stretches, strength and…

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Commitment to your Goals

Staying fit and healthy is a big commitment initially for individuals forming a new habit. How can we stay focused and motivated to obtain our optimal fitness levels? Top 5 strategies for achieving our goals:   Find out why you want the particular goal- A well enough goal would be to say, “I need to…

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The Power of Habit

“Bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with. Good habits are hard to form but easy to live with.” –Brian Tracy Sometimes all we need is a little encouragement and habits are formed! Eating your veggies, brushing your teeth, waking up early to workout…these are sometimes hard habits but when  we find…

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Nutrition: The Grain Brain

Nutrition and eating can be a hard subject for a lot of us struggling with weight loss and lifestyle change. There seems to be a lot of answers in multiple directions on how to help with change and adapt into a ‘healthier’ body but the same outcome. How can we take permanent action and change our…

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Shoulders: Optimal Function

Every part of our body plays an important part of the total picture of optimal function and mobility. Our ankles, hips, upper back, shoulders and neck have to provide great movement in order to move and workout properly. Working out with increasingly challenging movements are necessary for a healthy body so making sure that your body…

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Try Something New

Participating in something new and challenging can not only benefit your fitness goals but your brain health! Brain health is important so that your personal life and career is revving on all cylinders. Pick an activity that challenges you to push beyond your limits. How can you take advantage of new activities: 1. Align activities…

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Member of the Month: October

October’s Member of the Month: Karen Floeckher Congratulations for Flo! You are our member of the month for October! Read below for an interview that I had with Flo:   Member of the Month Interview Questions: 1) How long have you been working out with Digman Fitness? I started with Corey in August 2015, so…

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October Challenges @ DF!

Welcome to October and welcome to fun, new and exciting challenges! Each month offers a little bit different approach to our challenges and pushes the limit to what we think we can do! Read below for details:   Activity Challenge– Read the works of something inspirational and motivating! This could be a quote of the…

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Open House

Digman Fitness is welcoming all individuals this weekend looking for ways at which they can restore their bodies! Join us this Saturday for simple ways to improve mobility, decrease pain and increase function through injury prevention exercises. As soon as the assessment period is completed we will have a fun group exercise circuit filled with medicine…

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September Challenges @ Digman Fitness

Welcome to another fall season! The summer was loaded with many fun classes, open houses and our first annual “Exercise is Play” Event at which we helped raise over $400 for Madison4kids! I look forward to a fun fall as we continue to take strong strides in the gym! Individuals are increasing mobility, fitness and…

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