Category Archives: Uncategorized

Trouble Squating?

The Squat can be a very rewarding exercise because of it’s huge health and metabolism benefits, but a very challenging one as well if you don’t have the patience. The time spent on performing the squat can be done daily through a few simple moves that I highlight below:   Hip Mobility– How mobile are…

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Army Ranger Fitness Tests

Are you Army Ranger Strong? Would you have what it takes to go up against not only the physical and mental tasks of being a ranger, but the testing and training it requires to withstand the challenges?   The Gym Test- Complete these 7 Exercises in a 90-minute session Broad Jump- Tests pure power relative to…

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The Glutes!

The glutes (buttocks) are the most important part of our lower body…and even overall body strength and balance! Not only do our glutes give us strength when we lift heavy weights or load heavy boxes, but they give us a strong foundation for our entire core preventing injuries (especially low back). When our glutes are strong…

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The Total “Workout” Makeover

When it comes to finance, retirement and investing Dave Ramsey is the ‘Man’ that teaches us how winning at money is all mental energy and very little knowledge. I feel like I can relate this well as it is very similar to health and wellness: Your body is the result of 80 percent mental (do/take action)…

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April Member of the Month: Jim Frymark

Member of the month, Jim Frymark comes to Digman Fitness early in the morning with a strong will to get better and improve himself in every way possible! I want to highlight Jim and congratulate him on his member of the month. Read below for an interview that I had with Jim:   How long…

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Mark Nelson at Digman Fitness, Madison, WI

Spring Fitness Challenge 2017!

Welcome to the Digman Fitness Spring Fitness Challenge! Let’s get after it and strive to keep moving everyday! The challenge this year will elevate your heart rate to new levels as well as challenge your whole body more than you could imagine with as little as 20 minutes! I wanted to share a fun circuit for…

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Regeneration Program

Welcome to Regeneration! Regeneration is an online training tool to help you restore your body and revitalize your life through corrective strength & conditioning tools! This in depth program will help you get in better shape, recover from old injuries, prevent injuries and challenge you to new levels of health and fitness!   Regeneration:  …

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February Member of the Month: Shane

I want to introduce our member of the month, Shane! Shane has been working out with us for roughly 10 months and has shown great progress in performance and strength! Read on below for a little insight on what he gets out of training at Digman Fitness:   1. How long have you been working…

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Everyday Strongman

Welcome to the EVERYDAY STRONGMAN! What does it mean to be an everyday STRONGMAN or STRONGWOMAN? The EVERYDAY STRONGMAN is an individual who not only lifts, pushes, pulls, or drags equipment for exercise but displays the skills necessary to prevent against injury for the game of life. The fun part is, you don’t necessarily have…

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Goal Setting

Goals can be extremely motivating and empowering when done well and done consistently! I find it very exciting to throw out a long term goal at a client and then SEE THEM ACCOMPLISH IT! (or better yet, prove to themselves that they can accomplish big things!) Outwork the man next to you! Think about the preparation that…

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