Category Archives: Uncategorized

Creatine Use in Young Athletes

Increasing muscle mass while improving sport performance is the ultimate goal for most athletes and after researching the performance demands in sports like football, I have come up with a plan of action.  Sport specific weight training, speed work, agility and nutrition are important factors for athletes (for example, football) to accomplish high performance goals.…

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Caffeine for sport performance?

Overview: Caffeine is very popular within many sports and athletes of all levels over the past 100 years. There is research that suggests ingesting 3-9 mg/kg of bodyweight 60 minutes before exercise can improve performance.  Benefits: Recent research has shown that single and repeated jump height as well as single and repeated sprint times have improved through…

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Exercise in Heat Recommendations

According to Powers & Howley (2018) there are two responses, which are called behavior adaptations that our bodies go through in hot and cold environments. The first behavioral adaptation is when our blood vessels constrict in cold weather and vasodilate when the weather is warm to maintain proper body temperature. In addition, when our bodies are warm and…

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Nutrition and Athletic Performance

Performing at a high level is very important for athletes to succeed in their given sport and much like professional athletes, the general population deserves that same feeling because we all work hard and want great results! Nutrition is one of the main drivers of success as well as quality sleep for promoting optimal recovery.…

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Dig Fit Kids Class

Dig Fit Kids is a great opportunity for the whole family to workout together! This class helps teach kids the necessary developmental movement skills that they need to build life-long healthy habits! Age-related developmental movement skills can be displayed through the following: Obstacle Courses Sensory Awareness Drills ‘Exercise of the day’ challenges Movement Stations Fun…

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Exercise & Alzheimer’s Prevention

Regular physical activity can be a very useful tool for those who choose to take advantage of its powerful array of health benefits! What are you doing right now to increase more movement into your life? Is your life filled with healthy and engaging activities? Do you know what exercise can do to improve overall…

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How John Defeated Gout

When it comes to healthy movement and exercise, there can be nothing more frustrating and debilitating than a disease! How do you fight a disease and deal with the pain on a daily basis? What can be done to diminish or even eliminate issues related to proper function and health of your body? Answer… Proper…

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Put Your Pennies in The Jar

One rep at a time… One set at a time…. One hour at a time… One day at a time… This habit of creating a simple savings account can be created for exercise as well. The thought of saving a penny a day can be painful because it doesn’t seem like much until you start counting…

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Working Out With Back Pain

Back pain can be debilitating and frustrating during times when we want to get results in the gym! What do we do? How can we still do the things we enjoy when there is constant aggravation? Read below for my top 5 tips for working through back pain: Find the source of pain Rest well…

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5th Annual Exercise is Play Event!

Exercise is a great tool to increase energy, build longevity and decrease chances of illness. Exercise is the biggest obstacle we have to overcome to create a lifelong healthy habit. Once we build the healthy habit of daily movement, we can create a more powerful and disease-fighting machine. At Digman Fitness, we create an environment…

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