Category Archives: Uncategorized

Necessary Components to Great Health
We are trained to believe that when it comes to optimal health, visiting the doctor for regular appointments are ways to prevent illness and even premature death. A lot of times these visits reinforce zero habit change in the kitchen, our general lifestyle or at the gym. We know by experience that those protocols are…

Fat Loss & Longevity
When it comes to exercise and diet, advice that we consume can be hard to understand at times and even harder to transform into a habit. What we need is something that can be easily implemented on a daily basis while minimizing stress. Besides habit changing behavior, let’s look into what research says about how…

Exercise as Medicine
Exercise can be one of the best forms of immune supporting activity and should be successfully utilized by 100% of the population. Research has shown that exercise can be very effective at lowering blood pressure by improving blood flow throughout the whole body which decreases chances of hypertension (Foreman, 2020). Purposeful movement in as little…

Benefits of Agility for Seniors
When you think of agility training you immediately imagine some of the top athletes aiming to gain performance benefits for their given sport, but recent research suggests that this style of training can also benefit older individuals. Simply being active isn’t enough to gain long lasting health benefits for aging individuals especially as it relates…

Neck and Shoulder Injury Prevention
Pain and stiffness associated with the neck and shoulder is a very serious problem which leads to many injuries and can be prevented by implementing a specific rehab program. Let’s dive into how neck and shoulder injuries happen and what we can do about it in as little as 5 minutes per day! A lot…

Ankle and Knee Injury Prevention
Stability and mobility around the ankle joint is very important for individuals looking to reduce pain and prevent injuries from happening. According to Clark et al. (2014), the most common injuries around the ankle include: sprains, plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, lower back pain and shin splints (more in athletes). This brings us to the topic…

Common Postural Dysfunctions
Movement is necessary for us to become healthier individuals not only for sport but for longevity- being able to enjoy life without pain as long as possible. Each of us have goals whether that be to lose weight, gain strength and conditioning for sport or even being able to play with family and friends well…

Daily Movement Series
Movement is very important for us to stay injury free and prevent disease. with as little as 30 minutes per day we can significantly reduce all cause mortality risk by adding the following movement series exercises. American College of Sports Medicine recommends between 22-43 minutes of purposeful heart raising activity daily. Example: 55-75% max heart…

Abdominal Exercises for Fat Loss
Abdominal fat is one of the biggest concerns for individuals, especially men who want to improve health fat loss. There are important components that need to be understood so that we can be sure to implement the correct strategy for fat loss around the mid-section. Abdominal crunches or “Ab” exercises are not entirely the most…

Mobility Tests
Improving and maintaining mobility throughout the whole body can be the best way to stay on track with your movement goals. Mobility can be a huge part of being able to walk correctly, squat correctly and even prevent pain throughout your body. After performing any of these tests, if you see any major compensations let…