Abdominal Exercises for Fat Loss

Abdominal fat is one of the biggest concerns for individuals, especially men who want to improve health fat loss. There are important components that need to be understood so that we can be sure to implement the correct strategy for fat loss around the mid-section. Abdominal crunches or “Ab” exercises are not entirely the most efficient way to decrease abdominal fat. Studies show that aerobic exercise at levels of 65% VO2 max for at least 30 minutes per day as well as progressive resistance training has been shown to decrease abdominal fat without changes in bodyweight (Vispute et al., 2011).

It is important to note also that an effective diet strategy, stress reduction and optimal sleep are all important for decreasing abdominal fat and overall body composition. What abdominal exercises do is develop the core muscle group so that we can maintain great posture, effective lifting mechanics as well as enhance our performance in other exercises in the gym.

Let’s look at the purposes of abdominal exercises on our bodies:

  1. Reduce Diastasis Recti in postnatal women as well as weight lifters (Khandale & Hande, 2016).
  2. Decrease lower back pain by maintaining a neutral pelvis during daily activities and exercise at the gym
  3. Promote muscle mass in the trunk for increased strength

What do we need to do to make the right decisions about abdominal exercises?

  1. Perform an assessment to see what the pelvis looks like so that we can prescribe the right exercises (extension vs. flexion). Abdominal exercises are an accessory to other movements NOT a magic pill.
  2. Understand that diet and movement is more important than abdominal exercise at promoting fat loss around the mid-section.
  3. Be conscious of your lifestyle by taking notes and making small adjustments for the long-term

Neutral Spine Core Exercises:

  1. Quadruped Hold (:15-:30)- Perform this while concentrating on a tight brace with your glutes, abdominals, lats and hamstrings

2. Quadruped Hold + Leg Extensions (:15-:30)- Perform this when level 1 is mastered. This will create a bit more challenge, fun and instability. Perform with a ball or cone on your back to ensure that your hips do not shift.

3. Quadruped Hold + Arm Extensions (:15-:30)- Perform this when level 2 is mastered. This will create a bit more challenge, fun and instability. Perform with a ball or cone on your back to ensure that your hips do not shift.

4. Quadruped Crawl (:15-:30)- Perform this when level 3 is mastered. This will create a bit more challenge, fun and instability. Perform with a ball or cone on your back to ensure that your hips do not shift.

Corrective Core Strengthening Exercises:

  1. Abdominal Sit-up (6-15 reps)- perform in a circuit for 3 sets and 2-3 times per week depending on how your body is responding. This is best utilized for those who need Diastasis Recti correction or those who have an extreme lumbar arch (anterior pelvic tilt).

2. Prone Cobra (6-12 reps)- perform in a circuit for 3 sets and 2-3 times per week depending on how your body is responding. This is best utilized for those who need more lower back strength while performing the deadlift or daily activities. It is also great for those with a lumbar “rounding” (posterior pelvic tilt).


Khandale, S. R., Hande, D. (2016). Effects of abdominal exercises on reduction of Diastasis Recti in postnatal women. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 6(6). https://www.ijhsr.org

Vispute, S. S., Smith, J. D., LeCheminant, J. D., &Hurley, K. S. (2011). The effect of abdominal exercise on abdominal fat. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(9), 2559-2564. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181fb4a46