Daily Movement Series

Movement is very important for us to stay injury free and prevent disease. with as little as 30 minutes per day we can significantly reduce all cause mortality risk by adding the following movement series exercises.

American College of Sports Medicine recommends between 22-43 minutes of purposeful heart raising activity daily. Example: 55-75% max heart rate throughout that time (max heart rate is 220-age).

In addition to movement, we need to also incorporate mobility into our routine as a corrective exercise approach. Some examples are below along with 2 sample routines (beginner and intermediate).

Movement Series #1: Shoulder Circles (Perform every 30 minutes throughout the day for 10 ea. direction). This can also be done seated on a chair.

Movement Series #2: Arm Circles (Perform every 30 minutes throughout the day for 3-5 ea. direction). Remember to take a deep inhale through your nose as you follow your hand with your eyes then exhale as your arm returns back to neutral. This can also be done seated on a chair.

Movement Series #3: Kneeling Hip Flexor Active Release + Reach (Perform every 30-60 minutes throughout the day and before your workout routine). Remember to tilt your pelvis and squeeze your target glute for an optimal stretch. 5-10 reps ea. side. IF YOUR KNEES DO NOT ALLOW THIS POSITION then perform in a split stance while driving your back heel down.

Movement Series #4: Deep Squat + Rotation (Perform every 30-60 minutes throughout the day for 5-10 reps ea. side). This movement is great for the ankles, hips and thoracic spine. IF YOUR KNEES DO NOT ALLOW DEEP SQUAT then do this while sitting on a chair.

Bodyweight Beginner Circuit #1: Perform the following circuit for 3-5 sets with :30-1:00 between sets. This is a beginner low impact circuit so take your time and perform this for 2-3 times per week for the first 3 weeks then add 1-2 more sets ea. workout. Time your circuit so that you can check progress.

  1. Elevated Mt. Climbers (10)
  2. Chair Squat (10)
  3. High knee March (10)
  4. Box or Chair Deadlift (10)
  5. Low Impact Jumping Jacks (10)

Bodyweight Intermediate Circuit #2: Perform the following circuit for 3-5 sets with :30-1:00 between sets. This is an intermediate low impact circuit so take your time and perform this for 2-3 times per week for the first 3 weeks then add 1-2 more sets ea. workout. Time your circuit so that you can check progress.

  1. Mt. Climbers (10)
  2. Jump Squat (10)
  3. High Knee Sprint (10)
  4. Box or Chair Clean and Press (10)
  5. Jumping Jacks (10)