Monthly Archives: April 2017

Trouble Squating?
The Squat can be a very rewarding exercise because of it’s huge health and metabolism benefits, but a very challenging one as well if you don’t have the patience. The time spent on performing the squat can be done daily through a few simple moves that I highlight below: Hip Mobility– How mobile are…

Army Ranger Fitness Tests
Are you Army Ranger Strong? Would you have what it takes to go up against not only the physical and mental tasks of being a ranger, but the testing and training it requires to withstand the challenges? The Gym Test- Complete these 7 Exercises in a 90-minute session Broad Jump- Tests pure power relative to…

The Glutes!
The glutes (buttocks) are the most important part of our lower body…and even overall body strength and balance! Not only do our glutes give us strength when we lift heavy weights or load heavy boxes, but they give us a strong foundation for our entire core preventing injuries (especially low back). When our glutes are strong…

The Total “Workout” Makeover
When it comes to finance, retirement and investing Dave Ramsey is the ‘Man’ that teaches us how winning at money is all mental energy and very little knowledge. I feel like I can relate this well as it is very similar to health and wellness: Your body is the result of 80 percent mental (do/take action)…