Monthly Archives: December 2014
Happy New Year!
2013 was practice 2014 was the warm up 2015 is GAME TIME! Make this new year GAME TIME for you taking action on your goals and aspirations! Find the things that you need to improve on with your health and take notes on how you to tackle them. If it sounds really easy, it…

Holiday Survival Tips
Holidays can be a great time to experience a lot of fun times while visiting family and friends. Exercise and nutrition can take a back seat which is not necessarily a terrible thing if you have disciplined habits in place already. I regularly meet with a friend of mine, Jesi Hirsch, RN from Patient Advocates out of…

December Member of the Month: Josh
This month’s member of the month is Josh Ratze! I want to congratulate Josh on how consistent and how hard he works each day he steps into the gym. Josh is great to work with and is always up for a new challenge each session. Josh trains 2 days a week with his family and…